The Books of Ezra & Nehemiah
The Books of Ezra & Nehemiah
Partner: Spoken Gospel

God wants to live with us. We see this truth in Ezra and Nehemiah. Ezra and Nehemiah are two books that tell one story—the story of Israel coming home. Israel had been exiled from their land and removed from God's presence in the temple because of their sins. But in Ezra and Nehemiah, God is bringing a remnant back. Ultimately, though, God's presence does not return to the temple the way Israel thought he would. Instead, the books end on a low note of failure and more exile. But the good news is that Jesus has done what Ezra and Nehemiah couldn't. He brings us back home to God and makes a way for us to live in his presence.

Special thanks to Spoken Gospel for providing this resource. They produce creative videos that help people see and savor the good news of Jesus on every page of the Bible.

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