The Top Dots: The Obey Train
The Top Dots: The Obey Train
Partner: ITOWN Church
In this four-week series, preschoolers ages two to five will learn what it means and how to obey their leaders, parents, and even God! With help from the Obey Train and Engineer Ed, they will discover why obedience is not only important in life but also why it’s important to God. Listening to the instructions of the people God has placed above us can sometimes be a challenge, and it takes a willing heart to do so. But with help from God and His Word, the Bible, obedience can make life so much more fun. So hop on board the Obey Train as we take a trip to learn how to obey every day! Each week the kids will go over a different heart of the matter centered around obeying:

Part 1: I Obey Right Away (18:01)
Part 2: I Obey Because I Trust God (22:02)
Part 3: God Loves When We Obey (20:49)
Part 4: I Obey Every Day (23:25)

Verse: Those who hear the teaching of God and obey it, are truly blessed. Luke 11:28